Family Missions Trip to Jaco, Costa Rica

This summer, we (all 6 of us!) have the privilege to be part of a family mission team. This trip to Jaco (pronounced “HA-co”), Costa Rica from July 2-8, 2022 will be our first full family mission trip and represents the continuation of a lifelong desire to see God move and work at home and abroad. It will also be the first international trip for Elias and Anna.

In Jaco, Costa Rica, we will work with Adventures in Missions alongside the local ministry partner OceansEdge (  Our team (comprised of several families from around the US) will be helping in some of the following areas:

  • Basic construction, maintenance, and community service projects
  • Lead the local children in VBS
  • Homeless ministry
  • Possible ministry at a maternal health clinic

Committing to a family trip like this is definitely a leap of faith!  We had begun preparations to embark on a family mission trip summer of 2020… yet we all know why those doors closed! After prayerful consideration, we see God opening doors for this summer.  We ask that you consider joining us on this faith journey in the following 3 ways:


We know the most important thing we can do is pray and follow God’s lead. Some specifics you can pray for now, leading up to, and following our trip:

Pray for our hearts to be ready to serve, humbly showing kindness and faithfully using God’s gifts to serve others (1 Peter 4:10, Micah 6:8).
Pray that those we encounter throughout this trip will see Christ through us. Pray for hearts to be ready to hear about the HOPE of the gospel.
Pray that we all, but especially our children (Aiden 17 yrs, Caleb 15 yrs, Elias 14 yrs, Anna 11 yrs) see God in new ways while in a new culture serving alongside other families and alongside the Church in Costa Rica.


The cost of lodging, ministry expenses, transportation, and meals (minus airfare) is $695 per person (there are 6 of us). With inflation, airfare costs started surging since we committed to this trip. We estimate $800-1000 per person for airfare. We will be applying our own vacation budget to cover a portion of this trip, but we could still use your partnership.

Would you consider partnering with us financially?


$4,800-6,000 total need (not tax-deductible, please pay directly to Dale and Holly)

Ministry Trip Expenses

$4,170 total need (tax-deductible through Adventures in Missions or Westside Church)

Online Donation Instructions
Update 6/20/22 - Please see today's Blog Post for updated tax-deductible donation options.


Please engage with us before and after our trip. Ask for stories and hold us accountable to serving faithfully and noticing God at work IN and THROUGH us individually and as a team.  You can also watch for updates at the link below.

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We look forward to reporting back to you and sharing the highlights of the trip. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to text, call, or email

Thank you for partnering with us on this faith journey!

Dale and Holly McCrory
Aiden, Caleb, Elias, & Anna